ANXIETY! Some Grievers Face High Anxiety Every Day.
For some people, after experiencing the death of a loved one, anxiety is a full-time experience, with little relief in sight… it is even suggested that it could be considered an additional stage of grief.
When a Close Friend Dies
In life, we often fear the worst – the death of a parent, a sibling, a spouse or a child. We except that if such a death happens, it will be the most difficult, shattering time in our life. We tend to try not to imagine what it would be like for us when a close friend dies. It’s not an experience we can understand until it happens.
For the Bereaved: New Year’s Resolutions Can Become Solutions
Welcome, 2023. Some people are still talking about making New Year’s resolutions, keeping them, or breaking them. As a grief counselor, I know that the bereaved want to FIND SOLUTIONS, NOT MAKE RESOLUTIONS. We all want solutions for our grief challenges. How can our resolutions sometimes lead to solutions?